Thursday 12 December 2013

Videos and media on urban cycling

Summary: Various videos, films, image collections and other media on urban and utility cycling exist which illustrate the various potential benefits and provide advice for individuals, communities and city politicians/planners. This post will collate them as I find them.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Juan Carlos!

Bicycle Dutch
> YouTube channel
> Vimeo

Copenhagenize Videos (Vimeo) - Videos on cities designed for urban cycling and urban cycling culture.
Bicycle Culture by Design: Mikael Colville-Andersen - TEDxZurich talk on designing liveable cities for cycling.
Why we shouldn't bike with a helmet - A TEDx talk on how the culture of fear and helmet promotion reduce cycling rates.

Streetfilms - Videos on livable streets, including urban cycling as a key feature.
> Groningen - The world's cycling city

Enrique PeƱalosa: Why buses represent democracy in action - A TED talk on how Bogota was transformed with infrastructure for buses, cycling and pedestrians and the huge opportunity for emerging cities to take this path.

The Bike In My Life - Videos - A series of videos on urban cycling developments and culture from cities in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Bicycling For Life: Mark Martin - A TEDx talk on the benefits of cycling for transport.

Beyond mobility - the promise of bicycle urbanism: Florian Lorenz

Pedaling Towards a Healthier Planet: Mia Birk - TEDxPortland 2011 talk on how Portland was transformed into a cycling city.

Cycling Cartoons - cartoons by Dave Walker

Mind The Gap - Videos on sustainable urban transit involving cycling. A film is coming soon.
(a) Overcoming your fear;
(b) Optimizing your urban ride;
(c) Tips for biking in the rain;
(d) Urban bike buying tips;
(e) The art of carrying things;
(f) Taking transit to trails;
(g) Biking in Beijing

Funny YouTube Videos
Motherfucking Bike