Sunday 8 December 2013

The benefits of shopping by bicycle

Summary: Shopping by bicycle can be more convenient, opportunistic and far more enjoyable for many urban residents. It is also very beneficial for small retailers and supports distribution of commericial opportunities across cities.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Kamyar Adl

1. Videos on where/how bike shopping works well
Shopping with a bicycle can be far more convenient and enjoyable than using a car, as well as perfectly practical. The below film by Mike Rubbo has some great examples from the Netherlands and Sydney's Eveleigh Markets. > Eveleigh farmer's market by bike

- See also this video: > Shopping by bike (Netherlands)
- How shopping with a bike is commonplace in Holland: > Shopping by bike (Bicycle Dutch)

2. Photos of how people shop by bike
- Check out the Shop by Bike Copenhagen competition photos > Shop by Bike KBH

3. Tips to aid shopping by bike
- Find a storage or carrying method that works best for each specific circumstance. E.g. Slinging takeaway over the handlebars works fine for short distances.
- Buy what you need and shop more frequently (it should be fun not a chore).
- Outfit your bike with carrying options to enable opportunistic shopping.
- Shop at smaller shops and markets that allow you to wheel your bike around with you or park right outside.