Friday 3 January 2014

Urban cycling research and data

Summary: This post will collate sites and links to research and data on urban cycling including topics like safety and behaviour.

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Fernando de Sousa

Research Sites/Collections:
Amy Gillett Foundation Research

Monash University: City Science
Melbourne Bike Crash Map

Marilyn Johnson - Institute of Transport Studies at Monash University

Understanding the fear of bicycle riding in Australia (PDF)
- Estimates the relative risk of driving and riding and finds that fear of motorised traffic to be disproportionate to actual levels of risk to bicycle riders. Recommends ways to address the perceived risk.

Bicycle Safety Statistics (US) - Michael Bluejay

Victoria Transport Policy Institude - Cycling & Walking

Victorian Department of Transport - Research and Data

The Conversation - Cycling in Australia

Cycling Resource Centre

Victorian Transport Statistics Portal

Selected Research Articles:
At the Frontiers of Cycling: Policy Innovations in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany
Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany
- Success is due to separated bike tracks, traffic calming/reduction, extensive bike parking, public transport integration, training, promotion and taxes and restrictions on car ownership, use and parking.